Prompt like a Pro- Free Resource Inside!

Want to be successful at prompting? It’s time to PROMPT Like a Teacher!

Fear is the most common reason why teachers (37%) say they haven’t used AI nor do they plan to.

One of those fears is having to learn yet another thing, having something else on their plate.

But YOU already have a leg up in the prompting game!

As a teacher, I loved content that was short and to the point, accessible and manageable.

PROMPT Like a Teacher Framework is created by a teacher for teachers like you.

It is an approach to remind us that we already have the tools to be successful.

We do them naturally everyday in our classrooms.

✔ Provide context
✔ Reiterate, Revise & Remind
✔ Organize Output
✔ Maintain a Conversational Approach
✔ Provide Feedback
✔ Treat AI Like a student

PROMPT Like a Teacher is a start to address those fears and break down the barriers that keep teachers from exploring the tool.

You already have everything in your back pocket to become a prompt pro. It's simple.

Just approach AI as you would a student, just PROMPT Like a Teacher!

Want to download PROMPT Like a Teacher Infographic for free? CLICK HERE!

For those who want more guidance, I created a mini bundle of PROMPT Like a Teacher. Inside the bundle you will gain access to:

🌟PROMPT Like a Teacher Infographic

🌟Short video explaining the PROMPT Like a Teacher Framework

🌟And for a limited time only, access to the interactive version of PROMPT Like a Teacher

I'm just getting started and more content like this on the way! I'm here to help you and all teachers, from a teacher's perspective, on your AI Learning Journey.

Check out my website for more resources at

We got this!

Few friendly reminders!

Don’t forget to register for the free AIR Show conference coming up April 13-15th in San Diego! I will be there and would love to meet you in person!

Want to continue the discussion on Facebook? Join the Teaching with Machines Facebook Community!

I love reading your feedback, it helps me design effective solutions for others. I try to respond to all my emails. Just hit reply to this email. Rooting for you and your students! Love, M.

Beep. Boop.

Need more guidance? I can help you, friend! Here’s how:

This includes a discovery call of your exact problem and work together to customize a solution based on your needs. Included in the package is a blueprint for implementation.