New Week, New AI Site

🎉Exciting news! ðŸŽ‰

This week is kind of a big deal.

Many of you know that this time last year I was in my my 13th year of teaching, a bit frustrated as many teachers are and wanting to do something about it.

Fast forward to now.

🎉 This week I officially registered Teaching with Machines as a business! Let’s gooooo teacher besties!

🎉 The Teaching with Machines website got a make-over. Check it out as a resource center for AI in Education housing free resources, downloadable and templates.

Check it out here!

🎉 Last week I released my PROMPT Like a Teacher Framework for helping teachers to prompt with AI.

Get your copy here!

I will be honest, this is quite a hustle, a different kind of "tired" than that of teaching but I love it.

There is a lot to learn, but thankfully I have some wonderful friends who are generous with their advice and time.

Shout out to Corrales Cachola Efraim Lerner Justin Germishuys Christopher Hoang, Ed.D.

Thank you all for supporting me on this journey. It has been quite the ride from Classroom teacher to founder of Teaching with Machines.

We're just getting started. We got this!

Don’t forget to register for the FREE ASU-GSV AIR SHOW, a conference all about AI in Education!

Join us in San Diego, from April 13th to 15th, where I have been invited to deliver a keynote speech. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect, play, and learn with me and a host of other attendees.

Want to continue the discussion on Facebook? Join the Teaching with Machines Facebook Community!

I love reading your feedback, it helps me design effective solutions for others. I try to respond to all my emails. Just hit reply to this email. Rooting for you and your students! Love, M.

Beep. Boop.

Need more guidance? I can help you, friend! Here’s how:

This includes a discovery call of your exact problem and work together to customize a solution based on your needs. Included in the package is a blueprint for implementation.