Make AI Generated Lessons GREAT

Spicy Apple Hot Take- AI Generated Lesson Plans are the Pumpkin Spice Latte of Teaching. 💅

Everyone loves them but they are basic.

Imagine you are sitting down for the first time with a chat bot because you have heard of all the wonderful things AI can do for teachers, like creating a lesson plan in seconds.

At first you are amazed at the speed but then you read it. way would I teach this to my kiddos.

Too many materials for which I would have to scavenge or create.
Not enough student engagement.
My students wouldn't find it interesting.

It's boring and basic.

But it doesn't have to be that way-- and you can still use the same lesson basic lesson to build something GREAT.

I gave a PD recently on how to build a lesson plan from the ground up with a group of lovely teachers. I selected a Lesson Plan Framework (5 E's) and I created a process to build LPs using AI.

But here is my honest reflection from that session and the process I created:

✖Sometimes AI makes a process tedious.
✖Sometimes AI takes a long time- too much time to get it "just right".
✖Sometimes we don't need AI to create the entire lesson, but rather provide inspiration or a rubric.

The process I created, while it worked, was long and time consuming.

And frankly, a little detached from the reality of a teacher sitting down and prepping for a class.

If I was feeling were my "students" feeling? I don't want to assume but I knew I needed to make changes to the session. (Teacher instinct, y'all).

So yesterday, I took a few hours to create a framework that works and is far more aligned with teachers needs and their reality.

It still had elements of the original process but far more simplified.

✔It works every time.
✔It streamlines the process.
✔It works for any lesson plan framework.
✔It allows for teacher creativity to be a part of the process.

And the lessons generated are not basic...they're GREAT!

(yes GREAT is an acronym cuz we love those in education 🙃 )

"Make AI Generated Lessons GREAT" is now a part of my 3rd session on the AI Learning Journeys for Teachers.

If you're interested in hearing more about AI Learning Journeys and how you can get access to "Make AI Generated Lessons GREAT" for you or your staff, reach out to make an appointment by hitting reply directly to this email!

You got this!

Beep. Boop.
K 👋 baiii teacher besties!

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I love reading your feedback, it helps me design effective solutions for others. I try to respond to all my emails. Just hit reply to this email. Rooting for you and your students! Love, M.

Beep. Boop.

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This includes a discovery call of your exact problem and work together to customize a solution based on your needs. Included in the package is a blueprint for implementation.