Become an AI Classroom Innovator!

I know you are an amazing, innovative educator. So here is your time to shine!

For the pioneer teachers exploring AI for innovation in the classroom, the ASU+GSV AIR Show (free conference yasssss) ,taking place April 13th-April 15th in San Diego, is a great opportunity to share what YOU have been doing with AI.

Generative AI came at us pretty fast and we are all learning as we go.

I repeat- We are ALL learning as we go!

So the best thing we can do to support one another during this age of discovery is share. 

⭐Share what we discover.

⭐Share our failures.

⭐Share our success.

⭐Share our creations.

⭐Share our resources.

The AIR Show is a great opportunity to learn and share together. 

I encourage everyone to submit a proposal to present a workshop at the AI Show and share share share!

If selected as an AI Classroom Innovator, not only will you present at the conference but you will join a Classroom Innovator Council, brand yourself as an AI leader and be recognized in wide reaching industry publications.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal but most importantly you will be helping your fellow educators on their AI journey!

Click here to view the official flyer and submit a proposal by February 12, 2024!

Can’t wait to see you there and learn with you!

Have questions? Hit reply to this email and let’s chat!

Want to continue the discussion on Facebook? Join the Teaching with Machines Facebook Community!

I love reading your feedback, it helps me design effective solutions for others. I try to respond to all my emails. Just hit reply to this email. Rooting for you and your students! Love, M.

Beep. Boop.

Need more guidance? I can help you, friend! Here’s how:

This includes a discovery call of your exact problem and work together to customize a solution based on your needs. Included in the package is a blueprint for implementation.